Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 32- Redefining and Living Illness (Part 1)

Illness. This is a word I see within myself that requires redefinition.

Mental Health, Mental Illness, Women

Self-Allocation Point

I believe myself to have become mentally ill at some point and thus am already, in a sense, living the word illness. This illness manifested due to drug abuse and addiction. It has become manifest as both a mis-alignment of the mind and physical within myself with a side dish of depression and the accompanying anxiety. I have experienced isolation, despair, sadness, anger, and all sorts of (mainly negative) emotions in relation to this word, as well as certain positive feelings such as superiority and righteousness.

Dictionary Definition

1. a: Sickness
    b: An unhealthy condition of body or mind
2. a. Wickedness
    b. Unpleasantness

Sounding of the Word

I'll- I will
nice- kindness

Investigate the Word

I have associated a negative polarity to this word. Obviously, this is different from the normal situation of polarized words people lived, as this is more a entire mind consciousness system manifestation / breakdown / misalignment. Nonetheless, I have a negative polarity associated with this word. Within looking at the sounding of the word, I broke it down into two parts: I will & kindness. Here, I define illness as the state of saying: I will be kind later. Right now, I am ill. Therefore, any manner of behavior is justified as I am not in a position of functioning normally. Of course, there have been moments where this illness I am living has been out of my control, but the point still remains: while I am under the control and spell of illness, I am unable to live kindness: only in the unproven future where I am no longer living illness will I be capable of living kindness.

One aspect of how I have lived this word is within hiding within it. There have been opportunities for me to transcend my living of the word illness that I have rejected and I have also experienced this within others who are also living illness: a certain coldness or wickedness within wanting to / doing things that cause me to remain within living the word illness.

Thus, every time I have failed to take concrete steps to transcend my illness, I am saying to my entire external reality: I will be kind later.

This explains how I've allowed myself to become homeless and resort to stealing / charity / welfare to meet my needs, as my needs still remained even as I was essentially saying: I refuse to take care of myself. Thus, instead of being nice, I was forcing others in my reality to support me.

Creative Phase

Illness is a state of being unable and/or unwilling to be kind until later.
Illness is a state of disempowerment.
Illness involves some form of manipulation, as, if you can't be nice to people, how are you to gather the resources necessary for your survival in this world?
Illness is a refusal to stand up in this world.

The steps taken for this redefinition process can be found here:

Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 31 - Heartbreak in the Time of Quarantine

I resume blogging during extraordinary times: as I sit here, all of humanity is experiencing the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic. I am personally affected by a state-government mandated shelter-in-place order which requires me to remain at home sans essential travel.

Heart, Broken, Patched, Patch, Symbol

I had recently entered an 'exclusive' relationship when news of the coronavirus initially broke. Things escalated quickly, as they tend to do in relationships, and just as my region was shutting down all nonessential businesses and requiring citizens to stay at home, I was going through a whirlwind of emotions and feelings and essentially asked the person I was with if she wanted to move in together. In a confusing turn of events, she decided to not immediately accept the proposition and we eventually broke our exclusivity contract, with a series of emotional- and feeling-charged texts exchanged, the last of which I sent and to which I haven't received a reply.

The world situation continued to escalate after our deescalation, and soon enough what had been a regional stay-at-home order expanded state-wide with similar orders placed on millions worldwide. Nonessential businesses have been completely ordered closed and the situation's gotten so rough that my federal government just passed a $2 Trillion stimulus package that includes $1200 checks for every citizen because we simply have no means of making an income right now. While it seems all of my compatriots' economic future remains uncertain, I nonetheless find myself under a stay-at-home order that prevents me from social gatherings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience desire to meet new people.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not realize that desire to meet new people stems from loneliness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience loneliness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that allowing myself the experience of loneliness implies that I do not feel whole by- and within- myself.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not feel whole by- and within- myself.

When and as I see myself feel less-than whole within myself, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that I am always whole within myself.

I commit myself to continue to make practical steps to support and improve the wholeness that is me, within myself.

I commit myself to establish financial stability before I move into an Agreement.